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3 Tips for Caring for the Paint on Your Interior Walls

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The interior walls of your home can suffer a shockingly high amount of wear and tear. This makes it important for building owners to understand the steps that they should be taken when cleaning the walls of the home. In addition to helping to improve the appearance of the walls, proper maintenance may also help with increasing the durability of your interior paint.

Avoid Getting the Walls Excessively Wet

Cleaning the interior of the walls will be one of the most common types of maintenance that you will need to do. Unfortunately, some people will make the mistake of getting the walls too wet when they clean the walls. This can degrade the appearance of the paint by causing the pigments to become dull and for water stains to be left behind. While it can be very effective to use a damp washcloth or sponge to clean the walls, you should make sure that they are only slightly damp by thoroughly ringing them out. Furthermore, you should gently dry the walls after cleaning them so that any excess water is removed.

Repair Scratches & Scuff Marks

Your walls may eventually suffer some scratches and scuff marks. These often are the result of items rubbing against the wall, and while they may seem like minor cosmetic issues, they can cause the lifespan of the paint to be drastically reduced. This is due to the fact that these gaps will allow moisture to get between the paint and the wall, which can lead to it peeling off. If you find that parts of your walls have suffered this type of damage, you can repair it through the use of a patch kit. This will be either a small amount of paint or gel that can be applied to the scratch so that the risk of the paint peeling is reduced.

Apply a Protective Coating to the Paint

An excellent way of increasing the durability of your interior paint will be through the use of a protective finish. The type of finish that you should use will vary based on the type of interior paint that you are using. However, these coatings essentially all work similarly in that they will prevent dirt, dust and liquids from coming into direct contact with the paint. Furthermore, these coatings may help with scuffing and scratching as they will act as a buffer between the item causing the scuffing and the paint. While this will not be comprehensive protection, it can be enough to greatly reduce the risk of these damages occurring.

For more information on how to maintain your interior walls, visit a local paint store.
